Sexual harassment in the workplace can devastate employees, leading to a hostile work environment, job loss and emotional distress. All Rhode Island employees must know what constitutes sexual harassment and what they can do if they experience it.
Recognizing the many forms
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) says that sexual harassment can take many forms, including requests for sexual favors, unwelcome sexual advances, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Sexual harassment can occur between any gender and can involve a power dynamic between employees, such as supervisors and subordinates.
If you experience sexual harassment at work, there are several steps you can take. First, document the harassment, including the date, time and details of what happened. You should also report the harassment to your employer or a human resources representative. Your employer should have a policy for reporting and addressing sexual harassment.
What if the harassment doesn’t stop?
If your employer fails to take action or if the harassment continues, you may be able to file a complaint with the EEOC. This can lead to an investigation and potential legal action against your employer.
It’s important to note that retaliation for reporting sexual harassment is illegal. However, if you experience negative consequences from reporting sexual harassment, such as demotion or termination, you may have grounds for a retaliation claim.
Reporting harassment
As an employee, it’s essential to know your rights. You have the right to a safe work environment, free from harassment and discrimination. If you experience sexual harassment, it’s important to take action and report it to your employer or the appropriate authorities.
A respectful workplace for all
Sexual harassment in the workplace can have significant consequences for employees. Employees must know what constitutes sexual harassment, how to report it, and their rights. By taking action and speaking out against sexual harassment, employees can protect themselves and help create a safer, more respectful workplace for everyone.