Despite its subtlety, military prejudice is a major problem. Many members of the United States military, both active and retired, encounter prejudice when they look for civilian jobs. Though they frequently experience workplace discrimination, they have the right to...
We Fight For Employee Rights
Workplace Discrimination
3 ways denied accommodations can impact workers
Disability discrimination in the workplace can manifest in many different ways. Sometimes, companies refuse to hire or promote workers with disabling medical conditions. Other times, workers may not receive the support they require to do their jobs safely given their...
Racial discrimination and harassment at work
People should be able to work and earn a living without anyone giving any consideration to the color of the person’s skin or their ancestry. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 covers those matters in Title VII. This title gives very specific guidelines for employers when it...
Pregnancy can lead to gender discrimination
Men can’t get pregnant. Only women can. Hence, when an employer treats a pregnant employee incorrectly because they are pregnant, the law may view it as gender discrimination. As you probably know, gender discrimination at work is prohibited by law. An employer does...
4 examples of gender discrimination in the workplace
Despite federal laws protecting employees, gender discrimination is a serious issue. A person’s perceived gender can greatly affect their job opportunities and increase workplace discrimination. Gender discrimination is not always obvious, and it helps to have...
4 signs of remote workplace discrimination
Workplace discrimination is a situation that negatively impacts not only individuals but also the overall productivity and morale of a company. It undermines the principles of equality and fairness, creating an environment where certain employees feel marginalized and...
Some myths about disability and employment
Only about one in five of the people with a disability participate in the Rhode Island labor force. Among people without a disability, the work force participation rate is 67%. Employers are sometimes reluctant to hire disabled job applicants because they are worried...
Age discrimination in the workplace: Know the signs, know your rights
Age discrimination in the workplace is a serious concern that affects numerous employees across the United States, including those in Rhode Island. It is important for employees to recognize the signs and understand the legal protections in place, particularly if they...
Will AI lead to more pregnancy discrimination?
Most Rhode Island companies are not allowed to discriminate against workers based on their family status. However, as employers continue to adopt artificial intelligence (AI) programs to help with hiring or other employment decisions, it's possible that companies will...
Tips for proving a workplace discrimination claim
Most Rhode Island employers are prohibited from making employment decisions based on an employee's race, age or other protected characteristics. However, it can be difficult to prove that you were demoted, transferred or terminated based on one or more of those...