Workers benefit from numerous protections under state and federal law. They can report injuries and request accommodations for their functional limitations. They have the right to organize with one another, request unpaid leave when necessary and to report misconduct...
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Employment Law
Do you qualify for overtime pay if you receive a salary?
Overtime pay is important because it ensures workers get fair pay for long hours. However, understanding who gets overtime pay, especially if you receive a salary, can be tricky. What should salaried employees know about overtime pay? Who qualifies for overtime pay?...
Are you experiencing quid pro quo harassment at work?
Harassment in the workplace can play out in many forms, and one of the most damaging types is quid pro quo harassment. The Latin term “quid pro quo” means “this for that,” and in a work setting, it refers to a situation where employment decisions are conditioned on an...
Which workplace activities are protected by law?
Some workplace activities are legally protected to ensure fair treatment, prevent discrimination and promote a safe and equitable work environment. As such, you can participate in these protected activities and exercise your rights as an employee without fear of...
Is your employer refusing to make reasonable accommodations?
You’ve been seriously injured and you now have a long-term disability. However, you believe that you can still work at your job as long as they make a few minor accommodations. For instance, maybe you need to use a wheelchair, so you just need a desk that will...
Can your boss require two weeks’ notice?
You’d like to leave your job, but your boss has made it very clear that you are required to give two weeks’ notice. In fact, maybe they’ve even stated that there will be ramifications if you don’t. For example, your boss may have told you that you wouldn’t get your...
A subtle sign of employment discrimination
If your name "sounds black," you may not receive an employment callback as frequently as Rhode Island job applicants with a "white-sounding" name. A recent study by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, and the University of Chicago expanded on a...
What employees over 40 should know about severance agreements
Age discrimination in the workplace can take multiple forms. It’s not always as obvious as people being mocked for how old they are or a lack of promotions for those over 40. Many employers are smart enough to avoid clear violations of the federal Age Discrimination...
What does it mean to experience a glass ceiling in employment?
In the realm of employment, the concept of a "glass ceiling" is more than just a metaphorical barrier; it represents a tangible obstacle that many individuals encounter in their careers. The phrase "glass ceiling" refers to an invisible but pervasive barrier that...
3 ways Rhode Island employers may discriminate against pregnant women
Working while pregnant can be a challenge. As women approach their due dates, they may have major limitations on what job functions they can perform. They may not be able to remain on their feet for multiple hours like most other adults can and may be subject to...