We Fight For Employee Rights

A look at deafness and employment discrimination

On Behalf of | Oct 12, 2022 | Employment Law, Workplace Discrimination

Workplace discrimination isn’t limited to race, age or gender; it’s also common in the deaf community and other groups with disabilities. Deafness and employment discrimination go hand in hand for many Rhode Island workers. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 was enacted to protect deaf and otherwise disabled Americans from discrimination.

The ADA applies to employers with 15 or more employees, employment agencies, government hiring agencies and any employer outlined in the Act. Discrimination at work isn’t always overt.

Consistent documentation of incidents you think discriminate against your hearing impairment or disability is excellent for building your case. Employment discrimination happens at the application stage in addition to the workplace environment.

Types of discrimination against deafness

Employment discrimination occurs when recruiters refuse applications from deaf or other disabled workers. Often until the interview call comes through, the recruiter doesn’t know the applicant is disabled but, upon finding out, might decline to move forward with the hiring process.

If you believe you’ve experienced a discriminatory relay call documenting your experience is vital.

If any of the following occurred during your pursuit of employment or while employed and you’re deaf or otherwise disabled, then understanding your rights is critical:

• You’re passed over for a job, a promotion, raise, transfer, bonus or other job

benefits you qualified for based on your hearing impairment.

• You’re bullied at work because of your hearing impairment.

• You’re fired because of your hearing impairment.

• You’re denied reasonable accommodation for your hearing impairment.

Discrimination at work is against the law, and disabled American workers are protected. It’s imperative to document each occurrence of discriminatory behavior with date, time, person, place and event. It’s also vital for proper representatives to get informed and protect your rights to a safe and thriving workplace.
