We Fight For Employee Rights

Don’t let your employer get away with sexual harassment

On Behalf of | Nov 17, 2016 | Sexual Harassment

For many Cranston residents, a hard day’s work can bring about many challenges that must be overcome. From dealing with unexpected problems that arise to addressing issues between coworkers, there is often no shortage of matters that must be handled on any given day. Unfortunately, many individuals have experienced unlawful conduct from their employer that goes well beyond the ordinary challenges one must confront at work.

As discussed recently in this blog, sex discrimination at the workplace can take many different forms. While a person may have a legal claim if he or she lost a job after declining unwanted sexual advances, sexual harassment need not rise to the level of a job loss to support a legal claim. For instance, a change in a person’s hours, a demotion or even a hostile work environment that affects how a person can perform their job will support a sex discrimination claim under the law.

Our firm has worked with clients who have faced sex discrimination of all types. We understand the terrible circumstances our clients went through in facing unwanted sexual advances or other kinds of harassment, and we advocate vigorously on their behalf to hold their employer accountable for the unlawful conduct.

We examine the facts and circumstances of each case to determine not only what happened, but what legal claims may be available. We can then file the necessary claims and pursue the case through whatever means are necessary, in order to obtain legal relief for our clients. For more information on our firm’s services, please visit our sexual harassment webpage.
