Families First Coronavirus Response Act - Part 1 On March 18, 2020, President Trump signed into law the Families First Coronavirus Response Act ("FFCRA"). The FFCRA includes two paid leave provisions. One being the Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act. This blog will...
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Firm News
Coronavirus & Employment: Novel Questions for FMLA and ADA
On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic. With this declaration, novel questions of employment law have been brought to the forefront. Many employers are wondering what actions are legal during this pandemic, whereas many employees...
When is an employment termination wrongful?
A person's employment can be terminated for a wide range of reasons. A job termination can sometimes be justifiable under the law, even if an employer did not give the employee a reason for the termination of their job. However, there are also certain situations in...
Workplace conflict and a gender discrimination complaint
Let us say that you were recently hired as the assistant to the strength coach in the athletics department of a small college in New England. You are the first woman to hold that position.You get along well with the coach, who hired you, but conflict between you and...
How can you prove promotion discrimination?
When your employer does not choose you for a promotion, it can be disheartening and discouraging. It is even worse when it is a discriminatory choice. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission states that it is unlawful for an employer to make promotion...
Steps to take when facing workplace sexual harassment
If you experience sexual harassment at your job, you do not need to put up with it. Sexual harassment is unlawful behavior. There are laws that protect you from sexual harassment in the workplace, including Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Rhode Island even...
Hourly v. Salary Pay
When accepting a job offer, or even a promotion, you need to understand the differences between being compensated on an hourly versus on a salary basis. Both payment methods offer their own individual benefits to an employee and have their own advantages and...
Are you concerned about over-40 severance agreement terms?
Perhaps you are 45 years old, and you are leaving a company where you worked as a member of senior management.Your employer must draft the severance agreement properly, and there are special requirements for employees like you who are age 40 and older. Do you have...
Government Shutdown – The Effect on Federal Employees
The partial government shutdown, which started on December 22, 2018, has had many effects on federal employees. According to CBS News, as a result of the government shutdown, approximately 380,000 federal employees have been furloughed - a temporary leave of absence...
Have you been passed over for a promotion due to your faith?
Let us say you have been working as a receptionist for a well-established marketing communications firm here in Rhode Island. You qualify for a promotion to office manager, but a less-experienced woman got the job. You believe you were passed over because of your...