Taking a chance on a new job can be scary, especially when that job opportunity means moving to a new state. Those who choose to leave Rhode Island in search of a better opportunity are usually hoping for the best, though, such as better wages or career advancement. Unfortunately, workplace discrimination can happen anywhere — even at jobs that seem like the perfect fit. Discrimination can take many forms, including:
- Racial
- Gender
- Age
- Religious
One woman’s experience with Amazon
Amazon is perhaps one of the most successful and well-known companies in the world. When a woman was offered a job at Amazon, she left her home and moved across the United States for what she thought was an amazing opportunity. Instead, she encountered repeated acts of racial and gender discrimination.
According to a lawsuit she filed against the company, the woman claims that a large portion of the discrimination either came directly from her former supervisor or was instigated by him. The suit claims that her supervisor repeatedly asked how someone originally from Latin America could have secured her position, insisting that she was little more than a diversity hire. She was initially discouraged from going to Human Resources about the problem. When she did finally report the discrimination to HR, she was fired a few days later.
Discrimiantion does not have any place in the workplace, but the problem persists to this day. Employers, managers and supervisors who discriminate against their workers can and should be held accountable for their wrongful actions. Understandably, this can feel a little overwhelming. Victims of workplace discrimination in Rhode Island do not have to tackle this process by themselves though, and may find it helpful to speak with a knowledgeable attorney first.